
 Kaleidoscope Kidi Corner was founded by Fadeela Adams, when she identified a need in the market. Always seeing children bored and irritable while waiting for their caregiver in places such as banks etc. She saw the potential of having a special Corner for their needs. Kaleidoscope Kidi Corner was then  borne.

 The Kidi Corner is a place  where children can be kept occupied and entertained in a safe environment. This service is currently mainly being offered in organizations where children often accompany adults. These places  include Doctors Rooms, Supermarkets, Banks, etc.

Kaleidoscope Kidi Corner provides a safe space where children can be engaged in a creative way through reading, drawing and playing with stimulating material.

 This Corner has a two-fold value-added service.

  1. In the business arena it enables the caregiver to concentrate on the business at hand  without worrying about the safety of their child.
  2. This can be used as an important resource to help stimulate the mind of the child, instead of them becoming irritable due to boredom.

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